Moore or Less Cooking has bestowed upon me the
One Lovely Blog Award. It takes alot to make me speechless, but she managed to do it hands down. No matter where you travel in this world, you will never find such wonderful people as in the food community. I'm lucky that I can call people such as Nettie my friend.
Describe yourself in 7 words: Loyal, humorous, outgoing, happy, devious (in a good way), protective and fun. I will touch on the devious for a moment. Many years ago I started on the web at Yahoo 360 which was a social site. I was named Devious Deb by my husbands best friend because I'm forever pulling practical pranks on him. So when I say Devious in a good way, it's nothing bad, I just like to have a good time.
What keeps you up at night?: I have a really bad habit of playing the "what if" game with myself after I go to bed. What if I did this, or what if I'd done that differently. I know I can't change the day, only get ready for the next day, but I'm such a perfectionist that I can sometimes beat myself up over something.
Who would you like to be?: It's not as much
who as
what I'd like to be. I'm perfectly happy in myself, but I need more
patience. I am probably one of the most impatient people you will meet. I guess it wouldn't hurt to be
What scares you?: Not being able to please everyone. I know that is a totally impossible feat, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to do that? No bickering or complaining. Now that would be heaven on earth!
What are the best and worst things about blogging?: BEST: The best thing about blogging are the people you get to meet. I've met some of the most wonderful people here on Facebook in the Foodie community. Not only other bloggers, but fans and friends. No matter what kind of day I'm having at work, someone in the Food community always seems to make me smile. It might be a little saying they post or just a kind word posted on my page. We never know when we post something who will see it or what kind of mood they may be in. I try to post positive and funny things to help others.
Worst: Time consuming. People that don't blog have no idea of the time it takes to make these recipes, take pictures, say a few words about them and get them posted. I enjoy blogging and I enjoy cooking and sharing recipes. The time it takes is well worth it when I receive a comment that someone really enjoyed the dish. That makes me smile.
What is the last website you looked at?: Moore or Less Cooking to read what I was suppose to do after receiving this award.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: To stop playing the "what if" game at night and become more carefree and less anal retenative.
Slankets, yes or no?: Well, if I knew what a "slanket" was I might could answer the question! LOL
Tell us something about the person who tagged you.: I met Nettie not long after I began Debz Delicious Meals. I loved her blog on blogger and I got alot of great ideas from reading her blog as well as other foodie friends. I know it was hard for her in the beginning because she is a very private person, but I think she has overcome that and has blossomed into a wonderful person who would go to whatever length it takes to help a fellow friend. She always has postive things to say and will help get the job done if you need it.
5 bloggers I tag: Bobbi's Cozy Kitchen, Baking Bad, Phat Cats Kitchen, Running with the devil(ed) eggs and Carrie's Experimental Kitchen