Monday, June 11, 2012

1,000th fan $25 dollar giveaway

In celebration of me reaching a huge milestone of 1,000 fans, I am giving away a $25 dollar American Express gift card to one lucky winner.  This is not a sponsored giveaway but comes out of my pocket. Here are the rules:

Only 1 winner will be awarded.

You must be a US resident.

The contest will end at 5 PM EDT. will pick the winner.

You must like my facebook page and join my Blogger page.

Leave me a comment on Blogger, that is your ticket to win.

The winner will be notified on facebook and Blogger. You will have 48 hours to contact me via email with your mailing address so I may mail out your prize.

 If you donot notify me via email in the alotted 48 hours, another winner will be chosen.

Good luck to all and thank each and everyone of you for being a fan of my page. When I started this page in September 2011, I never thought I'd reach this milestone. I could not have done it without each and every one of you.  Again, thank you.


Cooking From A SAHM said...

Liked your facebook and joined blogger :-)


Anonymous said...

Congrats on 1000, Deb!

robin said...

Congrats on the 1000!!!!

moms_still_learning said...

Congrats on 1000! I am now following you on Facebook & Blogger - your strawberry yogurt cake looks relish!

patti keil said...

Congratulations on achieving this milestone!
I already "like" you on facebook and just joined your blogger page :-)


Alil Country Sugar said...

Congratulations on 1,000 fans! I am a fan and follower. said...

Congratulations on your 1000th followerer!!!!
I enjoy your page and love the recipes!!!!
Love to try new recipes for my family!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure I did this right! Great job on getting to your goal!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!!!! Regards :)

Unknown said...

I already liked u on facebook and just joining here... Not able to comment on yr post but liked. Congratulations on achieving this milestone..God bless

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of yours on facebook... Not able to comment but liked yr post.. congratulations on reaching this milestone. God Bless

Momma Becca said...

Congrats on reaching 1000! Love your blog and love your FB posts! Great recipes and awe inspiring photos!

Momma Becca said...

Ok hope this isnt double posting! Congrats on reaching 1000! Love your blog and love your fb posts! Amazing recipes and love the pictures!

Momma Becca said...

Congrats on reaching 1000! Love your blog and love your FB posts! Great recipes and awe inspiring photos!

GinaD said...

Liked FB! Joined blogger! LOVE you recipes!!! Congrats on 1000!!! Hope I win!!! :)))

Unknown said...

I hope that I'm doing this right. I'm leaving a comment for the American Express Give-away. Loving that you give the chances to win things, and love your site with all of the recipes!

Linda M. said...

Love all that you have to share. Joined the blog and liked you on Facebook.

Krista Bryson said...

Hi Deb. Love your page. Keep it going cuz I'm stayin!!

morchella said...

1000 how great is that.

Carin said...

Hi, I just joined your blog and "like" you on Facebook =)

Unknown said...

Congrats on reaching 1000 fans!

Hun.... WFD said...

I'm one of your FB fans and just joined on blogger. Congrats on 1000 Likes!!!


jessnk said...

Love your page :)

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