I was tagged by A'lil Country Sugar to do a kinda get acquainted posting with 11 questions. So here goes, get ready to met "The Debz".
Who or what was your motivation to start writing a food blog?
I've been on Facebook for some time now. I've always been interested in cooking and sharing heirloom recipes. I accidently stumbled upon Bobbi's Kozy Kitchen and we became friends. She is the reason I'm on here today blogging. She is such an inspiration, as well as others too many to name.
If you could eat anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Paris! I've always wanted to go to Paris and walk along the streets and sit and have coffee and something sweet at the outdoor cafe's. Maybe one day I will fulfil that dream.
What is your favorite kitchen applicance? Why?
That is easy, my range. I make alot of tasty meals using my range. When it's time for it to go to range heaven, it has been a good one.
Who is your favorite celebrity chef? Why?
That's easy. It's Giada DeLaurentiis. She is the first celebrity chef that I became familiar with on TV. I love how easy she makes things and she makes such wonderful dishes out of the simpliest of ingredients. She makes me feel as if I could come to her home and sit down and enjoy a meal with her and Todd and Jade.
Where do you see your blog taking you in the future?
That is a great question. I hope that one day I will be able to have giveaways that are in the Kitchen Aid mixer class. But, if I never reach that status, that is okay too because I have made some wonderful friends here in the foodie community that I wouldn't trade for gold.
Can you create recipes from just throwing ingredients together in your kitchen? Explain?
Yes I can and do. Just this past week I've been throwing things together to help clean out my deep freeze that had become full. For a good example, I took some stew beef and cooked it until it was tender. I added some beef broth and a teaspoon of bullion paste and then some elbow macaroni. It was delishious! Simple, yet filling.
How long have you been blogging? And how long do you plan to blog?
I've been blogging for about 8 years but not in the foodie community. I wrote 4 books previously and I have a website that I sell those books at and I have a blog that I post some of my work. I've only been food blogging since September 2011. I love everyday that I get to food blog. I enjoy this much more than I ever did the poetry and short stories I did.
I plan to blog as long as I can have a computer and internet. It is something I truly enjoy and you won't find any other people as nice as foodie's.
Can you describe your children (how many), and or, Grandchildren (how many) with one word?
Yes I can Blessings
I have one Son who is married to a wonderful woman and they have given me 3 beautiful and healthy Grandbabies whom I adore and love with all my heart. I told my Son one time that if I had known that Grandbabies were this much fun I would have skipped him and went straight to the Grandbabies.
What is your favorite style of cooking (desserts, main dishes, appetizers, salads, etc...), and why?
My favorite is main dishes, followed closely by desserts. I have simple reasons. I love to fix a main dish and watch my hubby as he enjoys it. I get great satisfaction from watching people enjoy something I prepared. The same goes for my second love of desserts. I love to watch people enjoy themselves when they come over and I share a dessert with them.
What three baking ingredients CAN'T you live without?
That is a easy one, Flour, Sugar and Eggs. Almost all baking needs at least one of those ingredients. I make sure I keep these three on hand at all times.
Do you have pets (how many, what kind, and their names)?
Oh lord do I have pets! I have 4 fur-kids. Their names are: Bandit, a terrier mix rescue who is 11 years old. Dixie, a daschound mix rescue that is 7 years old. Chance, a daschound who is 8 months old and Jasper, a Schnauzer rescue that is 2 years old. Never a dull moment around here, I will tell you that.
Now the fun part, I get to pick 2 victims and they get to answer 11 questions about themselves of my choosing. You must post a picture of yourself in your blog. Here goes!
1. How did you get involved with food blogging?
2. How long have you been blogging?
3. If you were stranded in a cabin with no electricity, what one kitchen tool would you have to have?
4. Do you have children? If so, tell us a little about them.
5. What would you like to accomplish with your blog in 5 years?
6. What is your favorite recipe?
7. What inspires you about blogging?
8. What is your favorite time of the year for cooking?
9. Do you have any pets, if so, tell us a little about them.
10. Is that anything about cooking that you dislike?
11. How many days a week do you actually cook at home?
I pick as my victims: Cooking From A SAHM
Good Cooks
My two victims will pick 2 people who gets to answer their questions. You must post a picture of yourself. Have fun!
Thank you for playing along Deb. I love the way you answered the questions. You left nothing out. I love these little games that bloggers play.
great post Deb!
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