Thursday, October 27, 2011

By The Seaside Sandwich

Good morning!! Here is the first in my new series called Kid's Kitchen. Starting today and every Thursday I will post a recipe that your little chef can make. The recipes will be easy, fun, inexpensive and quick to do. Post some pictures of your little chef's creations!

Hope you enjoy!

  • 2 slices bread (white, wheat, rye, or raisin)
  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon grape jelly
  • 3 or 4 bite-size fish-shaped crackers
  • Rolled fruit leather
  • Graham snack teddy-bear-shaped cookies
  • Sweetened fruit-flavored round cereal


  1. Spread one-half of the top of one slice of bread with peanut butter to create the "beach."
  2. Spread the other half with grape jelly to create the "ocean."
  3. Arrange fish crackers in the ocean.
  4. If desired, cut small rectangles of fruit leather for beach towels to place on the beach, and place graham snack cookies on each towel.
  5. Place a cereal ring next to each cookie so the teddy bears can take a dip in the ocean if they get too hot.
  6. Top with remaining bread slice.

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