Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Honey Dejon Chicken

Morning!!! It's finally hump day. If I look real real hard and stand on my tip toes, I can see the weekend coming around the corner. Always a good thing to see. I'm excited about this coming Saturday. Hubby and I are going to the big car show here in our hometown.  Lots of good music, food and cars. I park myself at the park and listen to the music and eat. He walks around and looks at all the cars in the show. And believe me, there are hundreds and hundreds.  I'm looking forward to some good ole funnel cake with fruit on top!! YUMMY

Hope you enjoy this mornings recipe. Have a fabulous day and make someone smile today.



1 tablespoon butter or margarine
4 boneless chicken breast halves
1 can cream of chicken dijon soup
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons honey
4 cups hot cooked egg noodles


Heat butter in the skillet.  Add chicken and cook until browned.

Add soup, milk and honey.  Heat to a boil.  Cover and cook over low heat 5 minutes or until done.  Serve with noodles.

Serves 4

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