Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My First Blogger Award

The Versatile Blogger Award
I was given the Versatile Blogger Award  by More Or Less Cooking.

The Rules of this Award Are:

  • Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award.
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Send it along to 15 other Bloggers and let them know you have awarded them!

I really am speechless! Thank goodness I only have to type. Since this is my first award, I feel like I'm on the red carpet. Thank you sooo very much More Or Less Cooking for this honor.

I've only been blogging a short period of time, but I have already made some wonderful friends. You will not find anywhere on the web, a bunch of talented people so caring. They are all wonderful!

Seven things you may wish you didn't know about me.

1.  I was born and raised in a good ol' Southern family in North Carolina. As a matter of fact I live just 12 miles from where I was born. I didn't move very far.

2.  I have been married to the same wonderful man for 35+ years. Over the years he has had to eat alot of failed experiments! But bless his heart, he ate it and didn't say a word.

3.  My Son and daughter in law have blessed me with 2 beautiful granddaughters and a grandson due in February 2011.

4.  I have a avid love of animals and I hope to start volunteering next week at a no kill animal facilty.

5.  I am a only child, but married into a big family who loves and cares deeply for each other.

6.  This is my first blog award and I'm speechless!!

7.  I work from home for a major insurance company and I lived in San Diego California for 2 years while training for my job.

Now for the 15 I nominate for this award:

Running with the Devil(ed) egge
Mia's Domain
Pampered Chef Consultant, Carol's Corner
Sasa Sweet Treats
Coupon Loving Chicks
Bobbi's Kozy Kitchen
Basilmomma: A busy mom that likes to cook
The Bread Fairy
Chocolate, Chocolate and more chocolate
Cyndi's collections of concoctions & confections
Hugs and Cookies xoxo
Shugary Sweets
Rich & Sweet
Syrup & Biscuits
The Perfect Thyme



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