Friday, October 28, 2011

Walmart $25.00 Give Away!

This is my first Giveaway. I hope to have something like this monthly to keep everyone on their toes!
To enter is easy:

1.  You must have "liked" me on Facebook.

2.  Join my Blogger site here on the right side of the blog (either by Google or Networked    Blogs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

3. Leave me a comment here that you joined (comment below). You must comment since that is your drawing ticket for the prize.

4. If you sign up as a anonymous you will need to leave me a email address to contact you.

That's all! will be picking the winner this afternoon around 5 PM EST and all I will need is your mailing address to send you the card.

Easy enough!


1.  You must have "liked" me on Facebook.

2.  You must join my site here either by Google or Networked Blogs

3.  You must leave me a comment here. That is your drawing ticket for the giveaway.

4.  I will announce the winner on Facebook on Friday afternoon.

5.  I will not be choosing the winner. That will be done by

6.  I will just need your mailing address to mail you your giftcard.  We will do that by private email.

7.  The contest will begin at 8 AM on 10/28/2011 and end 5 PM on 10/28/2011. Winner announced shortly after 5 PM.

8.  You will have 48 hours to contact me via email and give me your mailing address.

Simple. This is NOT a sponsored giveaway.  This is coming out of my pocket.  This is in no away affiliated with Walmart other than me purchasing the $25.00 giftcard.


Served up with Love said...

Im already a facebook fan, Melissa

Served up with Love said...

Im now following you on Networked Blogs, Melissa

Liz said...

Done all that and love your site!!!

Served up with Love said...

I love your blog and facebook posts, what a nice prize to give away!

Anonymous said...

cool blog. new follower :)

Debra Roberts said...

Good Morning Deb, I made it!!! Hugs!!

Kathy Molnar said...

I already follow you on facebook and signed up under Networked blogs, Kathy Molnar

Sara Walters said...

I am a FB Fan & I follow your Blog,Your Fb/Blog are wonderful!I Love reading your post everyday,puts a smile on my face every time :)

Debbie Broussard said...

I am a follower on Facebook.

Debbie Broussard said...

I liked you on Google.

Debbie Broussard said...

I am enjoying your site!

Alil Country Sugar said...

I am a follower on facebook and blogger. What a great give-away.

jeannec123 said...

I'm following your posts on facebook :)

Betty Martha said...

I follow you on FB!

Betty Martha said...

and of course I followed here on Google - hope you'll come and follow mine too!

Nonna said...

Good Morning Ms. Deb. I do like you on Facebook and I am a follower on your blog. I am Serious Food for the Soul : )

Unknown said...

I follow you every way I can!

MAD Queendom said...

hi!! LOVE your recipes, love you on FB and your blog glad I "found" you....made the seaside sandwiches for my little girl and she LOVED it...thx for the new idea!

MAD Queendom said...

I don't know if last comment "took" your FB page and your blog here...Seaside sandwich was a hit in my house! Cheers!

Jean Cowan said...

I am signed up! Jean Cowan

Wendi Anders Cox said...

I am now following your blog. Looks like I may be enjoying some of your info!! Thanks for doing a giveaway!

Wendi Anders Cox said...

Not sure if the comment posted. Not seeing it. I have joined your blog & thank you for doing a giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Toni here, love the seashore sandwich. Going to be fun for Kidlet's b'day.

Chris Bennett said...

Lots of great receipes on your site- looking forward to trying them. Excited about cooking again!!

Chris Bennett said...

Love your site- lots of great receipes! Excited about cooking again!

candycane75 said...

Liked your Facebook page and follow your blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

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